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Plain provides architectural services in the

following stages:



We discuss the specifics and scope of the

project.  We generate a goal statement.  We establish a contract.


Gather information

We visit the site, take photos and measure existing conditions (a survey of the existing conditions may need to be undertaken by a qualified surveyor depending on the scope of work).  We analyse the site’s topography, solar access, prevailing winds and views.  We source information regarding regulatory requirements.  We engage specialised consultants for additional reports such as wastewater and bushfire assessments as required.  We form a brief.  We set a budget.


​Schematic design

We generate design options to explore the brief, budget and site.  We explore layout and form in plan and 3D.  We choose a design to develop.


Design development

We choose components of rooms and materials.  We engage a structural engineer and other required consultants.  We begin conversations with builders to ensure the job is on budget and to schedule.



We write and/or commission necessary reports. 

We produce a drawing set to meet council requirements.  We are granted planning permission.


Construction documentation and building permit

We prepare detailed drawings, specifications and documents to send to builders for pricing.  We assemble documentation for a Building Application to the local council or an approved building surveyor.  We commission an energy assessor.



We contract a builder.  We prepare additional construction documentation and distribute it as required.  We conduct on-site inspections to ensure accuracy, timing and quality.  We provide contract administration if requested.

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